Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults
As a group working to create a safer experience for everyone in tennis, Pride in Tennis aims to ensure that its central events are safe and welcoming to children and families. As a result, we may have a role to play in helping to safeguard young people and vulnerable adults.
The group is guided by the Safeguarding Officer, who seeks advice from the LTA’s safeguarding team.
Reporting concerns
Anyone who has concerns about harm being caused or likely to be caused to a child/young person or a vulnerable adult should report to the Safeguarding Officer at safeguarding@prideintennis.org.uk, or by the clicking the button below. The Safeguarding Officer will ensure that the appropriate follow-up be taken.
If anyone does not feel comfortable reporting their concern to the Safeguarding Officer – they can contact the LTA Safeguarding Team https://safeguardingconcern.lta.org.uk or safeguarding@lta.org.uk.
In an emergency, concerns should be raised immediately with the Police or Children’s Services.
The group is not responsible for carrying out child protection investigations. It will co-operate with Children’s Services and the Police as appropriate.